New chapter that follows end of its decade-long anti-terror operation complicated by competition from Russia and Chin France’s president Emmanuel Macron faces...
French President Emmanuel Macron begins a four-nation tour of Africa today amid rising anti-French sentiment that saw French troops recently leave Mali and...
Presidents Should Discuss Elections, Violence in East, Accountability Congolese President Félix Tshisekedi and French President Emmanuel Macron...
India and France are expected to take stock of their overall security cooperation during a high-level dialogue on Thursday, January 5, 2022. The two sides will...
Iran warned France on Wednesday of consequences after satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo published cartoons depicting supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei that...
At least four people died when a small boat apparently packed with migrants capsized in freezing temperatures in the Channel overnight, the UK government said...
Frankfurt, Brussels, London (15/12 – 40). Shortly after being re-elected in Kazakhstan’s presidential snap election on November 20, Kazakhstan President...
Kazakhstan, a nation of 20 million in Central Asia, has voted on internal political stability and a move away from Russia as Sunday’s snap election...
Following the Israeli election victory, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will have less than one month to form what the world estimated to be...
Lawmakers in France’s lower house of parliament on Thursday adopted a resolution to enshrine abortion rights in the country’s constitution, the first step in a...