Home » France’s driest winter since 1959: Dramatic images show European drought’s impact amid heat wave
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France’s driest winter since 1959: Dramatic images show European drought’s impact amid heat wave

Alarming images of scenes normally associated with dry, hot summers, are a stunning testament to the unprecedented winter heat wave gripping Europe. 

France has recorded the longest winter drought since record-keeping began in 1959, joining a host of other European countries experiencing severe conditions. 

Snowmelt from French mountains is crucial to replenish depleted rivers and reservoirs. The weather service has warned that levels are much lower than usual for this time of year in the French Alps, the Pyrenees and other ranges. 

As a result, some water-abundant landmarks have been reduced to barren, muddied pits.

Experts say records are being broken more frequently due to climate change around the world. 

The Alps are Europe’s most important mountain range for supplying rivers. The range has seen a 5.6% reduction in snow cover duration per decade over the last 50 years, according to a report published by Nature Climate Change last month.

In Italy, Venice’s iconic canals, meant for gondolas and water taxis, have diminished to the point that travel was halted.or the first time in decades, the country is bracing for a second consecutive year of drought.

In Germany,  dry soil due to low rainfall led to a 12% drop in the vegetable harvest last year, Germany’s Federal Statistical Office said in a Feb. 27 statement

In Spain, 2022 marked the nation’s hottest year and the country’s third-driest year since record-keeping began in 1961. Restrictions on agricultural and industrial water use have been implemented in Catalonia since November. 

Dried up riverbeds and lakes prompted French President Emmanuel Macron’s government to ramp up an urgent « water plan » to avoid « catastrophic conditions. » The plan would restrict water usage in more areas to prepare for the coming summer months — which have been exceptionally dry the last two years, Reuters reported. 

Similar conditions in 2022 harmed farm economies, forced water restrictions, caused wildfires and threatened aquatic species.

Water restrictions typically occur in the summer, not winter, but such measures have already been implemented in 87 municipalities across southern France, the outlet reported. 

Weather forecaster Meteo-France said that rainfall over the next three months is critical for groundwater and rivers returning to their usual levels ahead of the summer, Reuters added. 

Source: Yahoo!Life
